Wednesday, February 20, 2008

supremes of blood oranges

blood orange
Originally uploaded by yellaumbrella
Being in Nebraska in winter makes you dream of things like blood oranges. They are like a magic trick. Your normal orange from the outside and then to cut it open and see its crimson flesh.

One of my favorite knife skills is to supreme citrus. Carving out the perfect little wedges of citrus. I even love the name. It really is the Diana Ross of kitchen tricks.

My boyfriend Harold McGee* says “Blood oranges owe the deep maroon color of there juice to anthocyanin pigments, which develop only when night temperatures are low, in the Mediterranean autumn and winter.”

So they are at their best now and I plan to eat many. Blood oranges have more antioxidants than other oranges so as my winter cravings go, this is a good one.

* Ok, so I don’t even know him but I do read bits from On Food and Cooking all the time. And maybe I do have a fantasy or two of making him a grilled cheese sandwich while he tells me about anthocyanin pigments.

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